ExoHad Collaboration Bylaws

Mission Statement

The mission of the ExoHad Collaboration is to assist in the discovery and understanding of novel forms of strongly interacting matter by leveraging interdisciplinary state-of-the-art technical expertise in lattice field theory, phenomenological modeling, and amplitude analysis as constrained by Quantum Chromodynamics.


The voting body consists of full members of the ExoHad Collaboration (referred to as 'the TC' in the following).

Full members are the co-PI's as listed in the DOE Topical Collaboration proposal and all new members as agreed by the voting body.

TC members include all full members and all junior members of the collaboration.

Each year the voting body will elect two spokespersons from within the voting body. This vote will take place no later than June 30.

The spokespersons assume responsibility for the smooth operation of the TC including, but not limited to, managing the budget, ensuring hires are timely and are fairly conducted, resolving conflict of interest and code of conduct problems, maintaining the collaboration website, and organizing TC meetings.

New TC members must be invited by a full member and approved by a majority of the voting body.

Quorum for all votes will be set at 2/3 of the voting body membership. Absentee voting is permitted. Voting will be anonymous.

Each year two members of the voting body will be nominated as Travel Coordinators by the spokespersons. Travel coordinators will review applications for travel support and maintain the travel budget. Support for young researchers is especially encouraged.

Authorship Policy

Publications that result from efforts directly funded by the TC shall acknowledge the TC prominently; preferably by including "[ExoHad Collaboration]" as a subtitle in the authorship list. Acknowledgments should include the phrase, "<author(s)> acknowledge the support of the USDOE ExoHad Topical Collaboration, contract DE-SC0023598."

It is not required to list all TC members in a TC-funded publication.

Publications by TC members that are related to the goals of the TC should include the acknowledgment, "This work contributes to the goals of the USDOE ExoHad Topical Collaboration, contract DE-SC0023598." Optionally, "<person(s)> thank their ExoHad Collaborators for useful discussions in the preparation of this manuscript." may be included.

Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest

All discussions within the TC should be treated as confidential until released by publication or mutual consent. TC members will endeavor to keep TC-related and other research free of conflict of interest.

Code of Conduct

TC members will make an effort to promote the TC in publications and meetings.

TC members will adhere to the code of conduct. Alleged violations of the code of conduct should be addressed by the persons involved. If this does not lead to resolution, the issue should be raised with the collaboration ombudsperson, who shall be nominated by the spokespersons. The ombudsperson will adjudicate a resolution. If requested, this resolution may be appealed to the voting body, who shall make a final resolution by majority vote.